
Please follow the instructions below: 
Download the applicable form and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the form with the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only.

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose

Parenting Plan Discussion Template - English Version (docx, 11863 KB)

Parenting Plan Discussion Template - Malay Version (doc, 14442 KB)

For use during Parenting Programme only.

To facilitate the filing of the Agreed or Proposed Parenting Plan if divorce is proceeded with, our Marriage Counselling Programme counsellors will use this document as a reference to discuss with you and your spouse the care arrangements of your child/children post-divorce.

If you have not received this document, please print a copy and bring it along with you when you attend Marriage Counselling Programme at the Court's appointed agency.

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose

Form 6 - Originating Summons for Divorce (Court-issued) (pdf, 245 KB)

2.2 Updated as at 25 October 2022

Originating Summons Pursuant to Section 46A(4) of the AMLA (pdf, 110 KB)

2.3 Updated as at 25 October 2022

Originating Summons for Other Applications (not to be used) (pdf, 117 KB)

3.1 Case Statement and related forms for Plaintiff (Divorce)
Download the applicable form and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the form by typing (not writing) the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only. If you wish to include exhibits, please mark them appropriately. Please paginate your form and the exhibit(s).
Some forms require you to affirm its contents before you may file them.
If the pages of the form cannot be securely fastened with a stapler, please bind them (red for Plaintiff, blue for Defendant and black for Interveners).

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose
3.1.1 Form 7: Case Statement (Plaintiff Husband) - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal
For Reference Only:  

* Please print up-to-date relevant CPF statements which show, the account balances in the Ordinary, Special, Medisave, Retirement and Investment accounts (for all) and the public housing withdrawal details.

* Please refer to item 7.3 for Important Information and Checklist on filing Originating Summons.

To be filed by a husband who wishes to commence divorce proceedings (called the Plaintiff).

When the Plaintiff serves this form on the wife, he must include a blank Form 18 (Memorandum of Defence by Wife)

3.1.2 Form 8: Case Statement (Plaintiff Wife) - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For Reference Only:

* Please print up-to-date relevant CPF statements which show, the account balances in the Ordinary, Special, Medisave, Retirement and Investment accounts (for all) and the public housing withdrawal details.

* Please refer to item 7.3 for Important Information and Checklist on filing Originating Summons.

To be filed by a wife who wishes to commence divorce proceedings (called the Plaintiff).

When the Plaintiff serves this form on the husband, she must include a blank Form 17 (Memorandum of Defence by Husband).


Form 11 - Agreed Parenting Plan (docx, 21 KB)

Where there is an agreement on the parenting plan of a minor child/children.

Form 12 - Plaintiff's Proposed Parenting Plan (docx, 23 KB)

Where there is no agreement on the parenting plan of a minor child/children, and the Plaintiff proposes a parenting plan.

When the Plaintiff serves this form on the Defendant, the Plaintiff must include 2 blank forms:

- Form 20 (Defendant's Agreement to Plaintiff's Proposed Parenting Plan); and

- Form 21 (Defendant's Proposed Parenting Plan).


Form 13 - Agreed Matrimonial Property Plan (docx, 24 KB) (Updated as at 5 April 2021) *For use wef 5 April 2021

Where there is an agreement on the matrimonial property (HDB flat).

Form 14 - Particulars of Housing Arrangement (docx, 68 KB)

Additional information on housing arrangement, to be filed together with Form 13 (Agreed Matrimonial Property Plan) or Form 15 (Plaintiff's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan).

Form 15 - Plaintiff's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan (docx, 22 KB)

Where there is no agreement on the matrimonial property (HDB flat), and the Plaintiff proposes a matrimonial property plan.

When the Plaintiff serves this form on the Defendant, the Plaintiff must include 2 blank forms:

- Form 22 (Defendant's Agreement to Plaintiff's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan); and

- Form 23 (Defendant's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan).


Form 36 - Acknowledgement of Service (docx, 16 KB)

If the Plaintiff serves the Originating Summons and related documents by registered post, this form must be included with the documents served on the Defendant.

After the Defendant has acknowledged receipt of the documents and returned this form, the Plaintiff is required to file this form.

3.2 Memorandum of Defence and related forms for Defendant (Divorce)
Download the applicable form and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the form by typing (not writing) the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only. If you wish to include exhibits, please mark them appropriately. Please paginate your form and the exhibit(s).
Some forms require you to affirm its contents before you may file them.
If the pages of the form cannot be securely fastened with a stapler, please bind them (red for Plaintiff, blue for Defendant and black for Interveners).

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose
3.2.1 Form 17: Memorandum of Defence (Defendant Husband) - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For Reference Only:

* Please print up-to-date relevant CPF statements which show, the account balances in the Ordinary, Special, Medisave, Retirement and Investment accounts (for all) and the public housing withdrawal details.

* Please refer to item 7.4 for Important Information and Checklist on filing Memorandum of Defence.

To be filed by a husband who is responding to wife's Case Statement in Form 8 (called the Defendant).

The Plaintiff (wife) must serve this (blank) form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons and Case Statement.
3.2.2 Form 18: Memorandum of Defence (Defendant Wife) - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For Reference Only:

* Please print up-to-date relevant CPF statements which show, the account balances in the Ordinary, Special, Medisave, Retirement and Investment accounts (for all) and the public housing withdrawal details.

* Please refer to item 7.4 for Important Information and Checklist on filing Memorandum of Defence.

To be filed by a wife who is responding to husband's Case Statement in Form 7 (called the Defendant).

The Plaintiff (husband) must serve this (blank) form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons and Case Statement.


Form 20 - Defendant's agreement to Plaintiff's Parenting Plan (docx, 14 KB)

For the Defendant to file where the Defendant agrees to the Plaintiff's Proposed Parenting Plan (Form 12).
The Plaintiff must serve this (blank) form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons and Case Statement.

Form 21 - Defendant's Proposed Parenting Plan (docx, 43 KB)

For the Defendant to file where the Defendant does not agree to Plaintiff's Proposed Parenting Plan (Form 12) and wishes to make his own parenting plan proposal. The Plaintiff must serve this (blank) form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons.

Form 22 - Defendant's agreement to Plaintiff's Matrimonial Property Plan (docx, 14 KB)

For the Defendant to file where the Defendant agrees to the Plaintiff's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan (Form 15). The Plaintiff must serve this (blank) form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons and Case Statement.

Form 23 - Defendant's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan (docx, 18 KB)

For the Defendant to file where the Defendant does not agree to Plaintiff's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan (Form 15) and wishes to make his own matrimonial property plan proposal. Defendant must also file Form 14 (see below). The Plaintiff must serve this (blank) form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons.

Form 14 - Particulars of Housing Arrangement (docx, 41 KB)

Additional information on housing arrangement, to be filed together with Form 23 (Defendant's Proposed Matrimonial Property Plan).

Form 36 - Acknowledgement of Service (docx, 16 KB)

Upon receiving the court documents by Registered Post, the Defendant is required to acknowledge receipt using this Acknowledgement of Service form and return it to the Plaintiff.
3.2.9 Forms 17 and 18 - Amended Memorandum of Defence (For Husband/For Wife)– to be completed as an E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal

For Reference Only:
To be filed by a Defendant who is responding to the Plaintiff’s Case Statement/Amended Case Statement and wishes to file an Amended Memorandum of Defence.

Please print up-to-date relevant CPF statements which show, the account balances in the Ordinary, Special, Medisave, Retirement and Investment accounts (for all) and the public housing withdrawal details and to be submitted with the filing of the Amended Memorandum of Defence.

3.3 Case Statement and Memorandum of Defence (Nullity)
Download the applicable form and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the form by typing (not writing) the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only. If you wish to include exhibits, please mark them appropriately. Please paginate your form and the exhibit(s).
The forms require you to affirm its contents before you may file them.
If the pages of the form cannot be securely fastened with a stapler, please bind them (red for Plaintiff, blue for Defendant and black for Intervener).

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose

Form 9 - Case Statement (Nullity) (docx, 31 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

To be filed by either husband or wife who wishes to commence nullity proceedings (called the Plaintiff). When the Plaintiff serves this form on the spouse, a blank Form 19 must be included.

Form 19 - Memorandum of Defence (Nullity) (docx, 31 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

To be filed by the spouse (called the Defendant) in response to the Plaintiff's Case Statement in Form 9. The Plaintiff must serve this form on the Defendant together with the Originating Summons and Case Statement.
3.4 Other Summons
Download the applicable form and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the form by typing (not writing) the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only. If you wish to include exhibits, please mark them appropriately. Please paginate your form and the exhibit(s).
Some forms require you to affirm its contents before you may file them.
If the pages of the form cannot be securely fastened with a stapler, please bind them (red for Plaintiff, blue for Defendant and black for Intervener).

S/No. Forms Description/ Purpose

Form 10 - Summons (docx, 18 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

This form may be used to file an application where there is no specified Summons template.

Form 16 - Application to Represent a Person Under Disability (docx, 18 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

- to be completed and uploaded in PDF format in the SYC Portal
To file an application to represent a person under disability. It must be filed with a supporting affidavit and both documents must be uploaded in PDF format in the SYC Portal

Form 24 – Application for Discovery (docx, 19 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

To file an application for discovery. It must be filed with a supporting affidavit.
The application can only be filed if the applicant has served a written request in Form 25 on the respondent, AND
(i) the respondent has not served a notice in Form 26 after 14 days from the written request; or
(ii) the respondent served a notice in Form 26 but has not provided the documents within 28 days after the written request; or
(iii) the respondent has stated that he/she is not willing or able to provide the documents in the written request.

Form 25 – Request for Discovery (docx, 15 KB)

To make a written request to the respondent for discovery of documents.

Form 26 – Notice in Response to Request for Discovery (docx, 14 KB)

To reply to a Request for Discovery (Form 25) within 14 days after receiving the request.

Form 27 – Application for Interim Custody, Care and Control of and Access to Child (docx, 18 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

To file an application for interim custody, care and control of and access to child after filing of the Originating Summons. It must be filed with a supporting affidavit.

Form 28 – Application for Miscellaneous Interim Orders (docx, 18 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

- to be completed and uploaded in PDF format in the SYC Portal
To file an application for miscellaneous interim orders after the filing of the Originating Summons. It must be filed with a supporting affidavit and both documents must be uploaded in PDF format in the SYC Portal
3.4.8 Form 29 - Application to be Joined as Intervener - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal To file an application to join a person who is not a party to the proceedings but has an interest in the proceedings as an intervener. The applicant must be the interested person or a party to the proceedings (with the consent of the interested person). It must be filed with a supporting affidavit.

Form 30 – Application for Leave under S35A (docx, 17 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

To file an application for leave to continue or commence proceedings in the civil court after filing of the Originating Summons in Syariah Court. It must be filed with a supporting affidavit.
3.4.10 Form 34 – Notice of Withdrawal - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal The Plaintiff may file the notice of withdrawal if the husband has not pronounced the talak, AND
(i) the Originating Summons has not been served on the Defendant; or
(ii) before judgment, the notice of withdrawal is signed by and endorsed with the consent of all parties.

Form 35 – Affidavit of Service (docx, 32 KB)

To be filed using the relevant paragraph of the form, where the Originating summons or application was served in the following circumstances:
(i) Paragraph A of the form: for personal service by a solicitor or solicitor’s clerk authorised by the Court;
(ii) Paragraph B of the form: for substituted service by registered post;
(iii) Paragraph C of the form: for substituted service (excluding newspaper advertisement);
(iv) Paragraph D of the form: for substituted service by advertisement.

Form 37 – Application for Summons to a Witness (docx, 13 KB)

To file the application for summons to a witness to give oral evidence in court or to produce documents. The documents required must be specified in the application.

Form 44 – Form of Advertisement (docx, 22 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

To be used where Order of Court has been given for Substituted Service by way of advertisement.
3.4.14 Form 47 – Notice of Appointment of Solicitor - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For solicitors to file notice of appointment of solicitors.
3.4.15 Form 48 – Notice of Change of Solicitor - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For solicitors to file notice of change of solicitors

Form 49 – Notice of Intention to Act in Person (docx, 14 KB)

For a party to file where he/she no longer wishes to be represented by his/her solicitors.

Form 50 – Application for Discharge of Solicitors (docx, 18 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

For solicitors to file the application for discharge of solicitors.

Form 51- Notice of Ceasing to Act as Solicitor (docx, 16 KB)

For solicitors to file the notice of ceasing to act as solicitors after the Court has made an order pursuant to rule 37(6) of the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Rules.


Form 52 – Notice of Appeal against Registrar’s decision or order (docx, 18 KB) (Updated as at 17 March 2021) *For use wef 1 April 2021

For applicants to file a notice of appeal against Registrar’s decision or order.

Form 10 – Amended Summons (pdf, 512 KB) (Updated as at 28 Dec 2023) *For use w.e.f 28 Dec 2023

- to be completed and uploaded in PDF format in the SYC Portal
To be filed by an applicant where there is an amendment to a filed summons which has not been determined by the Court. It may be filed with a supporting/supplementary affidavit (if applicable), and uploaded in PDF format in the SYC Portal
Download the applicable form and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the form by typing (not writing) the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only. If you wish to include exhibits, please mark them appropriately. Please paginate your form and the exhibit(s).
If the pages of the form cannot be securely fastened with a stapler, please bind them (red for Plaintiff and blue for Defendant and black for Intervener).

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose

Email template to CPFB on housing refunds (for members who are 55 and above only) (pdf, 43 KB)

In addition to the relevant CPF statement, if you are 55 years old and above, you are required to obtain information from CPF Board on the housing refunds required to be set aside or topped up in your Retirement Accounts from your Ordinary and/or Special Account(s) in order to meet the Retirement Sum in the event of a disposal of your flat.

Please download the sample email template and submit your enquiry to CPFB through (for CPF members) or > My Mailbox (for solicitors).

For more information, you may refer to 7.3 > Instructions and Important Information on filing Originating Summons for divorce, and 7.4 > Instructions and Important information for filing Memorandum of Defence for divorce.
4.2 Not applicable - to be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For HDB flat owners – You are required to serve this document on HDB. The written reply from HDB must be submitted at the time of filing the Originating Summons.

Standard Query – Agreement for Lease (docx, 51 KB)

For BTO flat owners or applicants for new flats who have not collected the keys to their HDB flat.

Request for checking eligibility (docx, 28 KB)

You are required to serve the Request for checking Eligibility form on the HDB if you are filing the Agreed Matrimonial Property Plan (Form 13). The written reply from HDB must be submitted at the time of filing the Originating Summons.
Download the applicable template and save it in your computer.
Complete all sections in the template by typing (not writing) the relevant information. Do not leave any section blank.
Print on one-side of the paper only. If you wish to include exhibits, please mark them appropriately. Please paginate your form and the exhibit(s).
If the pages of the documents cannot be securely fastened with a stapler, please bind them (red for Plaintiff and blue for Defendant and black for Intervener).

For additional Filing instructions, please refer to this document.

S/No. Templates

Affidavit of Evidence-in-Chief (docx, 62 KB)


Affidavit-in-Reply (docx, 21 KB)


Supplementary Affidavit (docx, 18 KB)

5.5 Summons to Vary Order of Court- Not applicable - to be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal Affidavit-in-Support of Summons to Vary Order  (docx, 26 KB)
5.6 Summons to be Joined as Intervener - Not applicable - to be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC PortalAffidavit-in-Support of Summons to be joined as Intervener  (docx,20 KB)

(a) For substituted service of Originating Summons for divorce, where the Service of Originating Summons Module in E-Services is used to update the method of service.

Summons for Substituted Service - Not applicable - to be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC PortalAffidavit-in-Support of Summons for Substituted Service (docx, 22 KB) 

(b) For substituted service of other Originating Summons or of any other application.

Form 10 (Summons for Substituted Service) + Affidavit-in-Support of Summons for Substituted Service (docx, 22 KB) 


Affidavit Consenting to Summons (docx, 18 KB)


Affidavit on Parenting Plan/Split Care and Control (docx, 25 KB)

5.10 (Enforcement) The following are the guidelines on the application to the Court to sign on all documents relating to the sale/transfer/surrender of the matrimonial flat on behalf of the defaulting party:

a)   Explanatory Notes for Execution of Documents under Section 53A AMLA (pdf, 156 KB)

b)  (HDB) Important Notes on Option to Purchase (pdf, 67 KB)

c)  Letter of Demand (pdf, 97 KB)

d)  Affidavit-in-Support of Application under Section 53A AMLA (pdf, 105 KB)

*For the praecipe, please refer to 6.4.

Updated as at 6 July 2022

5.11 (CPF) The Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board has updated its Suggested Clauses for CPF matters.

1)  CPF Suggested Clauses in Order of Court for Transfer (pdf, 315 KB)

2)  CPF Suggested Clauses in Order of Court for Charging (pdf, 328 KB)

3)  CPF Suggested Clauses for Disclosure Orders (pdf, 76 KB)

You may also wish to visit the CPF website to find out how CPF savings, investments and other CPF-related assets can be divided in a divorce.

(HDB) Housing Guidance (pdf, 256 KB)

Parties with at least 1 child below 21 years old and are residing in a HDB flat are highly encouraged to attend the Housing Guidance provided by the Housing and Development Board (HDB). The HDB Housing Guidance will assist parties in making informed decisions on housing issues post-divorce.

They are required to make an e-appointment before approaching the HDB Branch office. Please visit the HDB website at and select the subject “Living in an HDB Flat”, select category “Change Owners or Occupiers”, select sub-category “Housing options after change in Marital Status”.
The written reply from HDB and cover letter/email may be submitted at the time of filing the Originating Summons. The HDB may take up to 1 month to give the written reply.


[Updated as at 1 September 2022]



(Originating Summons pursuant to section 46A(4) AMLA)

For applicants who attended Marriage Counselling Programme between 1 May to 30 May 2022 and last date for filing Originating Summons for Divorce is between 1 November to 30 November 2022.

[Updated as at 6 December 2022]

Please download the relevant forms required and submit it at the Court Registry. Payment will be required for filing of any Praecipe.

S/No. Forms Description / Purpose

Notification of Particulars of Process Server (docx, 24 KB)

For use by solicitors only.
6.2 Change of Address and Contact Details - To be completed as E-form in E-Services on the SYC Portal For parties to update the Court on a change of address or contact details.

Request to amend the Order of Court or Divorce Certificate for clarification / clerical errors only (pdf, 429 KB)

For correction of a typographical error in a Decree or Order of Court or a Divorce Certificate.

Praecipe – Execution of Documents under Section 53A AMLA (pdf, 69 KB)

*  When filing the completed Praecipe in E-Services in the SYC Portal, please select the correct Document Type in the dropdown option for the uploaded document, as the fee payable may differ. 

To request the Court to exercise proxy powers of under Section 53A of AMLA.


Praecipe – Originating Summons/Summons (pdf, 111 KB)

To request for affirmation before Commissioner for Oaths and/or extract copies of court documents.
6.6 Updated as at 29 September 2022

Praecipe - Copy of Documents (pdf, 64 KB)

*  When filing the completed Praecipe in E-Services in the SYC Portal, please select the correct Document Type in the dropdown option for the uploaded document, as the fee payable may differ. 

To request a copy of court documents. A separate praecipe is required for each document requested.


Request for Interpreter (pdf, 290 KB)

To request the Court to arrange for an interpreter at least 14 days beforehand.

Request for Re-fixing of Hearing Date (pdf, 369 KB)

To request to adjourn, refix or vacate a hearing date at least 14 days beforehand.

Request for Remote Hearing Via Webex (pdf, 372 KB)

For use by solicitors only.
6.10 Updated as at 25 October 2022

Praecipe - Search of Divorce Register (pdf, 31 KB)

*  When filing the completed Praecipe in E-Services in the SYC Portal, please select the correct Document Type in the dropdown option for the uploaded document, as the fee payable may differ. 

To request for a search of the Divorce Register.

6.11 Updated as at 25 October 2022

Request Marriage Counseling Programme Referral to file Cross Application for Divorce (pdf, 55 KB)

Please refer to the instructions below and download the relevant guidelines where applicable.

S/No. Forms
7.1 Instructions for filing court documents
- Refer to instructions in E-Service on the SYC Portal
[Please refer to the instructions for filing of forms/affidavits. The Court may reject your filing if you do not comply with the guidelines]
7.2 Updated as at 17 December 2021

Instructions on obtaining the Relevant CPF Statement and Additional CPF Information (pdf, 553 KB)


Instructions and Important Information for Plaintiff on filing Originating Summons for divorce (doc, 139 KB)


Instructions and Important Information for Defendant on filing Memorandum of Defence for divorce (doc, 127 KB)

7.5 Updated as at 17 December 2021

Important Information for Applicant on filing Summons to be Joined as Intervener (pdf, 435 KB)

7.6 Checklist for Applicant on filing Summons to vary Order of Court
- Refer to instructions in E-Service on the SYC Portal
7.7 Updated as at 17 December 2021

Checklist for Applicant on filing Summons to vary Order of Court(Revocation of divorce/Remarriage) (pdf, 3217 KB)

7.8 Checklist for Respondent for Summons to vary Order of Court (Revocation of divorce/Remarriage)
- Refer to instructions in E-Service on the SYC Portal
7.9 Updated as at 24 May 2023

Instructions on attending Parenting PACT (pdf, 585 KB)


Court Etiquette (pdf, 299 KB) (updated as at 1 Sep 2019)


Dress code (pdf, 461 KB) (updated as at 1 Sep 2019)


Webex Guide for Lawyers (pdf, 181 KB)